We're Social: Member Login
We understand not every one will be happy with our service. We will not make you stay if you do not want to.
If you want to go, you can. For the Fist 30 days of a account life you can go "No Questions Asked" and yes, with a refund.
What does this mean? For the first 30 days from the original date you signed up, you have the right to cancel your account and receive a refund. Your refund will be less the cost of your domain which you may take with you. In addition any charge you incurred for extra unrelated items that are not refundable will be deducted from your refund; for example, secure certificates and additional spam filtering or other services you may have purchased and used.
In order to Receive this refund, you need to submit a signature authorization, including the the original credit card transaction and a copy of the front and back of your Credit Card to us by email Sent IT HERE