We're Social: Member Login
Everything you need to manage and operate a successful website is included in your package !
Additional tools can be added to make your site management easier and more relevant to your audience.
below find an explanation of these services and relevant links to the right to order these services.
The Managed Hosting service provides you with the dedicated person on our staff to do your website updates. This alleviating you the need to have in house page editors. Not everyone is a programmer and website management can be a taunting task to the inexperienced. Our staff are experienced programmers and designers, they do your updates quickly. This eliminates the need and cost of an in house programmer or taking away form your staffs normal functions.
With our Security Update service we manage the code updates for your websites CMS. Un-updated CMS code is the largest cause of websites being compromised or hacked. With this service we do the updates for you as soon as they are announced. Leaving your site secure and removing the need for you to keep up on all security announces.
Provide 3rd party verification of your website identity and ownership. They provide an added level of encryption and security to your website.
They typically are used for payment pages and sites requiring authentication for end users. Their use provided your
site visitors peace of mind they are dealing with who you claim to be. Click here to see our full offering of SSL certificates
Provides a 3rd party scan and verification that you website is free from malicious code or scripts.It comes complete with a display Icon to provide verification or your site. WereDigital does use one
All email does come with basic Spam filtering and Spam email are marked in the subject line as Spam.
Email Defense takes that spam out of your email stream and places it in a Spam Quarantine outside of your email stream.
It also blocks known spammers and provides white and blacklisting of contacts. Its provides even cleaner email streams.