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Scheduled Upgrades to MySQL Dec. 18, 2015 "COMPLETE"

Notice: Upcoming Scheduled  Upgrades to MySQL Dec. 18, 2015

Please take note that the  current version MySQL 5.5.46 (MySQL is a Database engine )  will reach its end of life Dec 31, 2015.
When this occurs  the ability to update for any security concerns would be lost to all.
Now that we can't have ... can we!

The security of your site and your data are of vital importance to We'reDigital and we are quite sure to you and your organization.

How does this affect you?

Much of the Internet is based on data bases and MySQL is amongst the most popular there is. This change will affect all sites, software or application that utilize MySQL and this will affect most all users.

What is We'reDigital Doing about this?

In light of this We'reDigital will be performing a system wide upgrade to our provided MySQL version on Fri. Dec. 18, 2015.
We will be upgrading all servers to MySQL 5.6.X over that weekend.
MySQL 5.6.X is the next available and current level that will remain in place until  Dec of 2018  

How can you minimize any Impact  to you and your Site?

Before the Dec. 18, 2015 date Insure your website software is fully updated to its current versions as it should be always .
Advise your site developer should you not handle this yourself or contact us.
Your upgrade and check of your site should include all plugins and modules you utilize, any CMS or Content Management Systems such as Wordpress, Joomla or Drupal.
All current versions of these softwares and others include the capacity to manage MySQL 5.6+ and the upgrade will not likely affect you if your version is current.

What if we don't update ?

Its most probable that there will be some software call (request to the Database engine) that will now fail.
From version to version changes to Syntax occur and old insecure calls are dropped. The result your site would produce errors and may even not render at all.

What do I do if we do encounter an issue?

Immediately Open a Ticket in the member portal.
Once you have provide us as much detail as you can as to what the issue is.
Our support team will look into it for you.

Submit your tickets at https://billing.weredigital.com

We Must advise you there may be some outdated sites that can not be recovered.
Keep Your site and software updated always to minimize risk. 

Thanks WereDigital Support Team
WereDigital Hosting Inc.
Phone: 306.559.4678
Toll Free: 1.877.291.3269

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Christmas Best wishes to All
Scheduled Maintenance July 7, 2015 - COMPLETE

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