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Ours Servers Feature Mod PageSpeed

Apache mod pagespeed

The speed of your page and its delivery is of utmost importance in the ranking of your website with Google. To that end we by default include it on all our servers. 

What is Mod page speed?

Mod PageSpeed is an open-source Apache HTTP server module developed by Google to automatically optimize web pages and web media assets including images, CSS, and JavaScript. It does not requirie any changes to the website itself. Mod PageSpeed can provide a significant improvement to the size of image, css and Java files. This reduction in file size in turn yields a significant improvement in the time a webpage loads for display.

Google does use the speed of a webpage as one of its many ranking indicators. In turn lowering the load time of your website may just provide you a higher Google ranking. There are many factors that affect your ranking  with Google to numerous to mention here Mod Page speed being any automatic improvement Weredigital Hosting provides it free of charge to all its users. 

Unfortunately this server module may cause minor conflicts for third party software such as Joomla, WordPress and some e-commerce software. If you wish, you can disable mod_pagespeed all together for just your website.

How To Disable  Mod PageSpeed

To disable for your domain add the line below to your .htaccess file exactly as shown below.

ModPagespeed off

Adding that line to your .htaccess file will show whether mod_pagespeed is the cause of any conflict. 
If the problem still exists your will now know its not Mod Page speed causing it but another cause.

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